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Voter Eligibility - Who Can Vote?

Registering to vote for the first time in Vermont: If you are registering for the first time in Vermont using the Federal Voting Assistance Program's Federal Postcard Application or another form not specific to Vermont, you must take the Voter's Oath. The Vermont voter registration form and the FVAP instructions contain the voter's oath that must be taken. Any person meeting the requirements below who will be 18 on or before the date of a general election may register and vote in the primary election immediately preceding that general election. Under federal law, if you move within 30 days of a presidential election, you are allowed to vote for President and Vice President in your former state of residence, either in person or by absentee ballot.
  • Minimum Age To Vote: must turn 18 on or before election day
  • Minimum Age To Register To Vote: If you are 17 and will become 18 before the next election, you can submit your registration application, but it will not become active until you turn 18 and take the Voter’s Oath.

To be eligible to register to vote in Vermont a person must:

  • be a citizen of the United States;
  • a resident of Vermont and a resident of the town in which you apply to be added to the checklist;
  • taken, or have previously taken, the Voter's oath
  • be 18 years on or before the date of a general election may register and vote in the primary election immediately preceding that general election

Ways To Register To Vote

By Mail

Registration by mail is available up to and including on Election Day

In Person

Eligible persons may register to vote on any day up to and including the day of the election. Registration is available during all normal business hours of your town or city clerk's office on days preceeding the election and during polling hours on Election Day. 17 V.S.A. §2144.


Online registration is available up to and including on Election Day

Same Day Voter Registration

Eligible persons may register to vote on any day up to and including the day of the election. Registration is available during all normal business hours of your town or city clerk's office on days preceeding the election and during polling hours on Election Day. 17 V.S.A. §2144.

How Do I Know I'm Registered?

  • Consider yourself registered when- and only when- you receive an acknowledgment from your county clerk.
  • Never assume you are registered to vote until you have received this acknowledgment.
  • Call your county clerk and inquire about the status of your application.

Military and Overseas Citizens

Other ways to register to vote

Voter Identification

  • Voter Identification Law Enacted? NO

Vermont voters are not required to show identification

  • In Vermont, only first-time voters who have registered by mail have to show ID in order to vote. If you registered when you renewed your driver’s license, or as part of a voter registration drive, you will not be required to show ID.

Voter Information Lookup

  • Voter Information Lookup Tool

  • Use this tool to:

    • Check Your Voter Registration Status
    • Check Your Abesentee Ballot Status
    • Check Mail-In application and ballot Status
    • Check Your Polling Place Location
    • View Your Sample Ballot
    • And more